A stopped clock can even find an acorn every now and then
We've been very critical of Gov. Steve Beshear over the years, and for very good measure, but he finally did something right.
He got Kathy Stein out of the Kentucky General Assembly.
Stein was one of the most out-of-touch members of the state Senate, and of the House before that, that we can ever remember the Commonwealth producing. (Well, actually she is a native of southwestern Virginia). She'd be more at home representing San Francisco or New York City or Chicago than Kentucky. She was too liberal even for the left-leaning area of Lexington that she did represent.
But now she's gone, appointed by Beshear to a family court judicial position to replace a judge who resigned after impeachment proceedings were filed against her in the General Assembly. This situation, with links, can be investigated at http://kybordc.blogspot.com/2013/02/beshear-and-stumbo-sued-for-deprivation.html, which would seem to be an interesting story in its own right.
For now, though, we celebrate the departure of Stein from the General Assembly. No longer can she negatively impact Kentucky and Kentucky values all across the state.
Thanks for a greaat read
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