Thursday, December 17, 2009

An interesting observation about Rand Paul's supporters

We hadn't heard a peep out of the supporters of Rand Paul's Senate campaign until we posted a tongue-in-cheek note prior to Thanksgiving that we were thankful they hadn't inundated this blog the way they have others in Kentucky, both on the right side and on the wrong side.

Someone must've tipped them off to that post, because several of them replied. Oddly enough, they've been silent since then.

In fact, we can't really recall seeing them posting about Kentucky issues on any blog.

We don't have a mechanism here to check IP addresses of visitors or commenters, but other blogs do. Most of them have noted that the vast majority of pro-Paul traffic comes from outside of the Bluegrass State. The theory is that these are supporters of Ron Paul's failed presidential bid who are coalescing behind his son.

Most of the Paul supporters -- derisively called "Paultards" by some -- talk about things like closing the Gitmo prison for terrorists, repealing the Patriot Act, and ending the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan (the latter effectively ending the hunt for Osama bin Laden), and other such issues. Thus far, none of them seem to have any knowledge of, or interest in, Kentucky issues.

So we wonder. What's the position of the Paul supporters on casino gambling in Kentucky or slot machines at horse racing tracks? What do they think about Kentucky's current budget situation? What about funding for the East End Bridge in Louisville? Fighting the battle against illegal use of prescription drugs and the boom in meth making and usage? Texting while driving? The Kentucky League of Cities and KaCO? The firing of Ron Mills?

Yes, we know these are mostly state issues that aren't particularly relevant at the federal level, but they are Kentucky issues and whomever takes Jim Bunning's place will be representing Kentucky.

We guess our question is this: Do the Rand Paul supporters and money-bombers have any interest in, or knowledge of, this state's unique issues? Or are they looking to elect a senator, any senator, who mirrors their hero's positions and have lucked into having his son run in the commonwealth?

For the record, we support neither Paul nor Grayson. None of us here at K-Pac will be voting for either of them in the Republican primary. So Rand's Randies shouldn't think we are a pro-Grayson or "GOP establishment" mouthpiece, as we were accused of being earlier. But we do wonder just how much of a grasp on Kentucky politics the Paul fanatics and donors from elsewhere really have.


At 3:21 PM, January 18, 2014, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am sure GLAD Louisville liberal Jack Conway didn't win. I wished Todd P'Poole had beaten him for atty.gen.. Grayson was a poor campaigner for a top office. Grayson would make a good secretary of state again. But Grayson lacks the stature to be a Senator or governor. I am glad we have Paul. I hope we keep McConnell. I don't want Alison Lundergan Grimes and daddy Jerry.


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